Jharkhand JSSC Para Medical Recruitment 2023 – 2024: |
Advertisement No-20/2023: Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) of Jharkhand State has invited by the notification to conduct Jharkhand Para Medical Combined Competitive Examination (JPMCCE) 2023 – 2024 for the recruitment of JSSC Jharkhand Para Medical post. Those Candidates who are interested in this JSSC Paramedical recruitment can check the vacancy details, all eligibility criteria and read the notification and if completed all eligibility criteria then they can Apply Online.
Note: Interested Candidates can apply online on the official website of the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Or on the “www.jharupdate.com” through the online application system.
Vacancy Details:
Name of Post | Total Post |
पारा मेडिकल (Regular) | 2485 |
पारा मेडिकल (Backlog) | 47 |
Total | 2532 |
Name of Post | UR | ST | SC | OBC-1 | OBC-2 | EWS | Total |
1.फार्मासिस्ट | 224 | 161 | 62 | 40 | 17 | 56 | 560 |
2. प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक | 255 | 180 | 71 | 42 | 25 | 63 | 636 |
3. एक्स-रे तकनीशियन | 45 | 36 | 12 | 05 | 04 | 14 | 116 |
4. परिचारिका श्रेणी ‘ए‘ | 478 | 299 | 122 | 92 | 65 | 117 | 1173 |
Total | 1002 | 676 | 267 | 179 | 111 | 250 | 2485 |
- Minimum Educational Qualification:
- For more details read notification (page no-4 & 5).
Application Fee:
1. For UR/OBC-1/OBC-2 | ₹100/- |
2. For SC/ST | ₹50/- |
3. Mode Of Payment | Online |
- For other details read notification.
Age Limit (as on 01-08-2023):
- Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years
- Maximum Age Limit:
1. For UR | 35 Years |
2. For OBC-1/OBC-2 | 37/38 Years |
2. For SC/ST | 40 Years |
Note: Age relaxation is applicable as per rules And For other details read notification.
Important Dates:
1. Starting Date to Apply Online | 23/01/2024 |
2. Closing Date to Apply Online | 22/02/2024 |
3. Closing Date for Fee Payment (Online) | 26/02/2024 |
4. Last Date for Upload of Photo & Signature | 28/02/2024 |
5. Date for Errors Correction in Application Form | 01 to 03/03/2024 |
6. Date of OMR or CBT Based Exam | — |
7. Date of Result (Tentative) | — |
Selection Process:
- Commission will take OMR or CBT based examination.
- The exam will be taken in one stages: (a) Main Examination.
- Examinations questions will be objective and objective type answers, the full mark of each question will be 1 marks and There will be No Negative marking for the wrong answer.
How to Apply:
- Candidates are advised to read all the information given in the official notification before applying online.
- Interested Candidates can Apply & Submit application promptly by visiting the official website of JSSC Or by click on the Apply Online link given below and not to wait till the last date/time for applying online.
- Please retain print-out of Application Form & Payment Acknowledgment Slip (If Applicable) for Future References.
- Please do not send hard copy of the application form or any documents to the office of JSSC.
- For other details refer notification.